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This is "In The Looop" by Well Aware


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Welcome to "In The Looop".

Well Aware's weekly* (we try) Networking Newsletter!

The #1 goal of this newsletter is to foster more conscientious networking.

Not your first time here? Welcome back!!! Let's dive in:


As always, please refer to the following for how to best use this newsletter:

1. Please reply to me with your interest in any relationships I share here.

If you want to meet one of the people below, all you have to do is ask.

2. Please reply with a clear reason for why you want to connect with someone.

In order to connect you, I need context so that I can propose a thoughtful intro.

3. Please reply to me even if you have NO interest in anyone I share today.

Tell me your current ASKS. Say "Hi!" Point being: Keep our relationship two-way.



Let's look at today's spotlighted Well Aware networking relationships:


Janine Bolon-1

Janine Bolon is an analytical scientist, financial literacy coach, author, and promotional podcaster who helps her fellow authorpreneurs clear the fog of book marketing through virtual book tours. Janine is the Founder and CEO of The8Gates LLC and White Glove Broadcasting. Janine has been one of the few networking relationships in my world who made a huge impression on me through her sending me a hand-written, mailed letter. From that, her efforts to build a business around tailoring old clothing hyper-locally, and much more, grant me nothing short of wonderful inspiration. Thank you, Janine.

ASKS: Janine is seeking to connect with:

  • Published Authors: Individuals looking to enhance their book marketing strategies.
  • Book Coaches: Experts who assist authors in crafting and refining their manuscripts.
  • Publishing Firms: Companies interested in innovative marketing techniques and author promotion.

Upcoming events or projects: Janine is hosting a Planned Profitability Workshop that’s free to attend. You can sign up here.

Hiring Needs: Janine is currently looking for support with ClickFunnels and ActiveCampaign. While there isn’t a specific job link, interested individuals can register for a group meeting here.

Mentorship and Advice: Janine offers mentorship to authors looking for guidance on book marketing and profitability. Authors can register for her mentorship sessions here.

First Met: 2022/01/25

Introduced by: Garrett Halsell

Relationship Status: Networking


Example Clients: Authors, Writers

Example Partners: Book Coaches Publishers

Example Providers: Marketing Services Tech Support

Hiring Status: Yes

Learn more at


Julie DeLucca-Collins helps entrepreneurs increase confidence, transform lives, and gain clients using her expertise as a Business & Strategy Life Coach. Julie is the founder of Go Confidently Coaching, where she leverages her coaching prowess to guide individuals toward positive behavioral changes that lead to lasting success. Julie and I connected through a mutual connection and quickly developed a friendly rapport. We share a mutual understanding of the importance of time management and productivity in our respective fields. Our professional relationship has evolved into a potential collaboration, with discussions about presenting to Julie's mastermind group and referring clients to each other. Julie's commitment to empowering women, her insightful public speaking, and her successful podcast and radio show, make her an influential figure in her field. I admire her multifaceted background and contributions to the entrepreneurial world. Thank you, Julie.

ASKS: Julie is looking to connect with:

  • Entrepreneurs: Individuals who value collaboration and service.
  • Organizations Supporting Women Entrepreneurs: Groups focused on empowering female business leaders.

Upcoming events or projects: Julie is organizing the Building A Boss Summit, an empowering event for New England’s female entrepreneurs and business leaders. This summit will feature:

  • Engaging Workshops and Dynamic Speakers: Focused on enhancing business acumen and leadership skills.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connecting attendees with like-minded professionals.
  • BABOSS Marketplace: A spotlight on innovative, women-owned businesses.

Julie is looking for sponsors for the event, offering great brand exposure through over 350K social media followers and media coverage. A portion of the proceeds will also support a local domestic violence shelter, adding a meaningful impact. If you're interested in sponsorship, Julie would love to discuss the options with you.

Mentorship or Advice: Julie DeLucca-Collins provides mentorship to entrepreneurs, helping them boost confidence, transform their lives, and attract clients. Her expertise as a Business & Strategy Life Coach is rooted in guiding individuals toward positive behavioral changes that lead to lasting success.

First Met: 2023/08/23

Introduced by: Arliss Dudley-Cash

Relationship Status: Client


Example Clients: Entrepreneurs, Women Leaders

Example Partners: Women’s Organizations, Event Sponsors

Example Providers: Business Coaches, Marketing Experts

Hiring Status: No

Learn more at



Johanna Walker helps individuals and teams improve their presentation skills and storytelling abilities using her unique and unconventional speaker training methods. Johanna is a dedicated Speaker, Trainer, and Coach at her self-founded business Johanna Walker Speaking. Johanna's commitment to helping others shine every time they speak, regardless of the situation, is truly commendable. Her approach, focusing on authenticity and embracing unique perspectives, has had a significant impact on her clients' careers and lives. Our professional relationship is built on mutual respect and trust, and I look forward to continuing to support Johanna in her mission to empower others through effective communication. Thank you, Johanna.

ASKS: Johanna is looking to connect with:

  • Corporate Teams seeking to improve their presentation and storytelling skills, enabling them to convey messages with strength and heart.
  • Individuals who want to deliver impactful talks that matter and let their genius shine without fear.
  • Organizations that value unconventional methods to achieve out-of-the-box results in communication.

Upcoming events or projects: Johanna is excited to continue offering her signature speaker training workshops, designed to help both individuals and teams deliver presentations that make a difference. Her approach cuts through the noise and opens the door to power and presence.

Mentorship or Advice?: Johanna offers mentorship and advice to those looking to enhance their communication skills, guiding them to embrace their unique voices and deliver messages that resonate. She’s committed to helping you shine, whether in the boardroom, at a team meeting, or on a stage in front of potential clients.

First Met: 2024/07/01

Introduced by: Holly Jean Jackson

Relationship Status: Client


Example Clients: Teams, Leaders

Example Partners: Business Trainers, Leadership Coaches

Example Providers: Communication Experts, Storytelling Coaches

Hiring Status: No

Learn more at


Christian Hansen-1

Christian Hansen helps individuals stand out and influence others using strategic storytelling and personal branding. Christian is a Transformational Career and Business Coach at With over a decade of mentoring experience, Christian has a proven track record of guiding clients to significant achievements, such as becoming a #1 bestselling author with his book, "The Influence Mindset”. Christian and I first connected through a discovery call, where we explored potential collaborations. I was immediately struck by his expertise in influence and communication coupled with his keynote speaking and training programs, which truly sets him apart in his field. I look forward to the possibility of introducing Christian to potential partners in the real estate industry and am grateful for the opportunity to learn from his wealth of knowledge and experience.

Christian Hansen also helps students and professionals stand out and get chosen using his expertise in strategic storytelling and influence. Christian is a renowned Transformational Career and Business Coach at Top College Guru, where he uses his expertise in influence and communication to help students apply to prestigious and competitive universities. Christian has a proven track record of guiding clients to significant achievements, such as helping numerous students secure admission into their dream schools. Christian and I first connected through a discovery call and I was immediately struck by his expertise in influence and communication, as well as his extensive experience in higher education admissions and corporate internships. His innovative marketing strategies and mastery in influencing people's perceptions left a powerful impression on me. Seeing his contributions to the success of numerous students and professionals, I look forward to potential collaborations and networking opportunities with Christian in the future. Thank you, Christian.

ASKS: Christian is interested in connecting with:

  • Aspiring Authors and Entrepreneurs looking to build a powerful personal brand and elevate their influence.
  • Educational Institutions and Students seeking expert guidance on college admissions and career development.
  • Real Estate Professionals and other industries looking to leverage storytelling for impactful communication and business growth.

Upcoming Events or Projects: Christian offers keynote speaking and training programs on influence and storytelling. He also mentors students and professionals to help them achieve their educational and business goals.

Mentorship or Advice?: Christian provides mentorship and advice to both students and professionals, helping them craft compelling narratives that make them stand out in competitive environments. His approach is rooted in influencing perceptions and achieving tangible results, making a lasting impact on his clients' personal and professional lives.

First Met: 2024/07/23

Connection Background: Connected through a discovery call

Relationship Status: Client


Example Clients: Aspiring Authors, Students

Example Partners: Educational Institutions, Real Estate Professionals

Example Providers: Branding Experts, Career Coaches

Hiring Status: No

Learn more at


Chris Edney

Christopher Edney is a finance professional with 30+ years of progressive financial experience, including international business, investments, sales, financial analysis, strategic pricing, insurance, loans, trusts, real estate and consulting. He is the Owner of Sigma Squared LLC, where he helps companies of all sizes save time and money by automating repetitive and tedioius tasks and projects.  He has saved companies hundreds of hours per year in labor costs, and loves providing value in this way. Chris has a wonderful spirit, and a clear ambition to grow his business. Thank you, Chris!

ASKS: Christopher is looking to connect with:

  • Business Owners and Executives seeking to streamline operations through automation.
  • Technology Partners who specialize in developing automation tools and software.
  • Consulting Firms interested in enhancing their service offerings with time-saving solutions.

Upcoming Events or Projects: Christopher continues to expand Sigma Squared LLC’s services, focusing on helping more companies optimize their operations through automation. He is also exploring new collaborations and partnerships to bring his expertise to a broader audience.

Mentorship or Advice: Christopher offers mentorship and advice to businesses looking to improve efficiency and reduce costs. His deep financial knowledge and hands-on experience in automation make him a valuable resource for companies aiming to enhance their operational effectiveness.

First Met: 2023/05/01

Connection Background: Connected through an intro call

Relationship Status: Referral Partner


Example Clients: Business Owners, Executives

Example Partners: Tech Developers, Automation Experts

Example Providers: Consulting Firms, Financial Advisors

Hiring Status: No

Learn more at

First Met: 2024/08/08

Connection Background: Connected through an intro call

Relationship Status: Networking


Example Clients: Small businesses optimizing inventory, Companies improving cash flow

Example Partners: Inventory and supply chain consultants, Business operations experts

Example Providers: Supply chain specialists, Cash flow and operations consultants

Hiring Status: No

Learn more at


Looop Software Updates!


If you're not already aware, Friends, Well Aware has been building software designed to automate introduction management as much as possible!

Here's the latest on Looop's software development:

Looop Beta is LIVE!!!

Friends, do you want access to Looop? Tell me which email address you want to use (must be a Google account), and I will get right back to you!

We've switched to a dedicated newsletter to Looop development updates - subscribe here if you'd like to be kept in the looop on looop development!

And with that, as always, be well, be aware, and by all accounts, be warm with all of your relationship management efforts! If you have any questions, please reach out.All the best,

Conrad Ruiz | CEO | Well Aware

Conrad Ruiz 



Post by Conrad Ruiz
August 15, 2024
