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management services 
with Well Aware

Let’s standardize your processes and delegate tasks so you can focus on what matters most and what you do best.

Conrad Image


management services 
with Well Aware

Let’s standardize your processes and delegate tasks so you can focus on what matters most and what you do best.

You can’t do everything at work, go home, get rested, and expect to bring your best self to work the next day. At Well Aware, I dedicate myself to understanding your unique workflows and operational needs. Then, I leverage my extensive operations management experience to offer insights and solutions to elevate your business.

Are you ready to elevate yours?

You can’t do everything at work, go home, get rested, and expect to bring your best self to work the next day. At Well Aware, I dedicate myself to understanding your unique workflows and operational needs. Then, I leverage my extensive operations management experience to offer insights and solutions to elevate your business.

Are you ready to elevate yours?



First, let’s check in on you. Like your business, you are an operation, so I want to make sure you’re well. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating right, getting enough sleep, and staying active?

As a fellow CEO, I’m right there in the trenches with you. You’re not alone in this journey. Let’s chat about what’s on your plate and carve out some time on your schedule to address it. 

Welness Check-In
Welness Check-In



First, let’s check in on you. Like your business, you are an operation, so I want to make sure you’re well. Are you taking care of yourself? Are you eating right, getting enough sleep, and staying active?

As a fellow CEO, I’m right there in the trenches with you. You’re not alone in this journey. Let’s chat about what’s on your plate and carve out some time on your schedule to address it. 

Time Audit Report



Before we can buy back your time, we need to know where it’s going. What’s on your calendar? How well documented is everything? Which operations cost a lot but deliver little results? Where do you feel the most frustrated? By being well aware of your time, we can make the most of it. 

Time Audit Report



Before we can buy back your time, we need to know where it’s going. What’s on your calendar? How well documented is everything? Which operations cost a lot but deliver little results? Where do you feel the most frustrated? By being well aware of your time, we can make the most of it. 




Let’s identify the tasks that genuinely need your expertise and attention. Are you spending too much energy on tasks you can delegate to others? We’ll explore efficient and cost-effective ways to outsource tasks that don’t require your direct involvement. Some operations might not be required at all! Together, we’ll streamline your workload and optimize your productivity.

Prioritizing Your Time
Prioritizing Your Time



Let’s identify the tasks that genuinely need your expertise and attention. Are you spending too much energy on tasks you can delegate to others? We’ll explore efficient and cost-effective ways to outsource tasks that don’t require your direct involvement. Some operations might not be required at all! Together, we’ll streamline your workload and optimize your productivity.

Track your Performance



You can’t measure success without first setting performance metrics. If you don’t have any, you will soon! We need to know what data you’re gathering and what results you’re achieving. Then, we’ll align these metrics with your strategic thesis to validate or refine it. Together, we’ll create a management strategy that is well-informed and working.

Track your Performance



You can’t measure success without first setting performance metrics. If you don’t have any, you will soon! We need to know what data you’re gathering and what results you’re achieving. Then, we’ll align these metrics with your strategic thesis to validate or refine it. Together, we’ll create a management strategy that is well-informed and working.


Operations management is about recognizing where you need help and creating systems aligned with those priorities. 

So long as you have a strategy in place, I can run and execute your operation. Here’s how:


Operations management is about recognizing where you need help and creating systems aligned with those priorities.

So long as you have a strategy in place, I can run and execute your operation. Here’s how:


How do we set a tone for communications amidst all your projects and tasks? By ensuring your work is well-documented.

Detailed record-keeping speeds up processes, enhances transparency, and enables smooth collaboration. While we aim to minimize the time and resources spent on documentation, everyone must be able to clearly show what they’re working on. This need for transparency extends beyond the executive level to include virtual assistants, who can seamlessly integrate into your workflows based on your standardizations.

Project Management


Project Management

How do we set a tone for communications amidst all your projects and tasks? By ensuring your work is well-documented.

Detailed record-keeping speeds up processes, enhances transparency, and enables smooth collaboration. While we aim to minimize the time and resources spent on documentation, everyone must be able to clearly show what they’re working on. This need for transparency extends beyond the executive level to include virtual assistants, who can seamlessly integrate into your workflows based on your standardizations.


Marketing Operations

Let’s get your brand out there, showcase your value, and help others along the way.

I take a comprehensive approach to your marketing operations, starting with getting to know your brand inside and out. We’ll discuss who your ideal customer is and what marketing strategies you want to implement. From there, we can execute your strategy by running lead generation, research, and content creation operations targeted to your audience. My job is to see that your marketing campaigns perform correctly, thoughtfully and efficiently.


Marketing Operations

Let’s get your brand out there, showcase your value, and help others along the way.

I take a comprehensive approach to your marketing operations, starting with getting to know your brand inside and out. We’ll discuss who your ideal customer is and what marketing strategies you want to implement. From there, we can execute your strategy by running lead generation, research, and content creation operations targeted to your audience. My job is to see that your marketing campaigns perform correctly, thoughtfully and efficiently.


How do you nurture that relationship once you’ve identified someone interested in working with you?

We must ensure we’re representing your business effectively, addressing your potential client’s pain points, and closing deals aligned with your goals. Whether that involves integrating cold callers, sales reps, or assistants to navigate pipeline nuances, I’ll make the process as streamlined as possible. I can also design sales pipelines based on how you like to discover your prospects, and refine them as necessary to ensure a smooth process towards closing.

Sales Operations


Sales Operations

How do you nurture that relationship once you’ve identified someone interested in working with you?

We must ensure we’re representing your business effectively, addressing your potential client’s pain points, and closing deals aligned with your goals. Whether that involves integrating cold callers, sales reps, or assistants to navigate pipeline nuances, I’ll make the process as streamlined as possible. I can also design sales pipelines based on how you like to discover your prospects, and refine them as necessary to ensure a smooth process towards closing.


Service Onboarding & Delivery Operations

Make the transition from sales to closing as seamless as possible.

From signing contract agreements to onboarding, invoicing, let’s review your ops around servicing clients to identify bottlenecks and breakdowns. Does your client agreement have a clear scope of engagement? Do you have a smooth onboarding process? Let’s optimize your workflow for managing accounts to improve client engagement.


Service Onboarding & Delivery Operations

Make the transition from sales to closing as seamless as possible.

From signing contract agreements to onboarding, invoicing, let’s review your ops around servicing clients to identify bottlenecks and breakdowns. Does your client agreement have a clear scope of engagement? Do you have a smooth onboarding process? Let’s optimize your workflow for managing accounts to improve client engagement.


Technology plays a vital role in automating tasks that are tedious for humans. When errors or inefficiencies occur in these processes, how do you resolve them?

I’m here to help you organize your information and make it work for you, whether it involves email marketing, knowledge-based management, managing files, or streamlining your inbox. Let’s remove the friction interrupting your processes and save time and energy with smart automation, securely.

IT Operations


IT Operations

Technology plays a vital role in automating tasks that are tedious for humans. When errors or inefficiencies occur in these processes, how do you resolve them?

I’m here to help you organize your information and make it work for you, whether it involves email marketing, knowledge-based management, managing files, or streamlining your inbox. Let’s remove the friction interrupting your processes and save time and energy with smart automation, securely.


Executive Assistant Operations

Thriving business owners constantly face a critical decision: Maintain the status quo or delegate for greater success. While you excel in certain aspects of your business, you eventually reach a point where you need help doing it all.

I’m here to provide the support you need, whether it’s any of the services above or pulling from my centralized network of vetted and talented virtual assistants. My goal is to keep you well aware so you can focus on what truly matters — your time and your unique contributions to your business’s growth. 


Executive Assistant Operations

Thriving business owners constantly face a critical decision: Maintain the status quo or delegate for greater success. While you excel in certain aspects of your business, you eventually reach a point where you need help doing it all.

I’m here to provide the support you need, whether it’s any of the services above or pulling from my centralized network of vetted and talented virtual assistants. My goal is to keep you well aware so you can focus on what truly matters — your time and your unique contributions to your business’s growth. 



Operations management is at the core of any business, and it can be complex and overwhelming — especially when you’re shouldering the burden alone or don’t know what to expect. 

At Well Aware, I help people have an inherent self-awareness about their time and how they need to spend it best. Are you ready to buy back yours?


Operations management is at the core of any business, and it can be complex and overwhelming — especially when you’re shouldering the burden alone or don’t know what to expect. 

At Well Aware, I help people have an inherent self-awareness about their time and how to spend it. Are you ready to buy back yours?

Cogent Connections
Cause Way
Cogent Connections
Cause Way

What I appreciate most about Conrad is his ability to make time management simple and accessible. He is a gifted communicator who can explain complex concepts in an easy-to-understand manner, and he is patient and supportive in his approach to coaching and training. Whether you are struggling to meet deadlines, feeling overwhelmed with your workload, or simply looking to enhance your productivity and efficiency, I believe that Conrad can help you achieve your goals.

Joshua Krafchick

Joshua Krafchick

CEO | 369 Financial

Conrad has been extremely helpful in assisting me to better utilize my time as a business owner. The advice, connections, and virtual assistant services that he has provided have allotted me the extra time needed to focus on the operations and growth of my business. As a business advisor myself, I know that managing periods of growth are crucial to the success of the business. Thank you Conrad!

Heather Starke

Heather Starke

CEO | Starke Business Services

Getting to know Conrad means that you are going to have intelligent, inspiring, and motivating interactions. Conrad and I have been collaborating on a few projects for over a year. Conrad is a very effective communicator and innovator- one with patience and ingenuity combined with the ability to break down subject matter. I always come away with new ideas after our conversations - thanks, Conrad! It’s without hesitation that would I recommend Conrad if you are looking for the best in time management.

Jan Raeder

Jan Raeder

Founder | SelfCare Sensei

Everyone should have a Conrad Ruiz in their life and business. Conrad is a scientist and an expert when it comes to the subject of harnessing time, energy, and focus. In one unique instance, he coached me through reorganizing my office, and in one hour I was able to COMPLETELY organize my office....which was a goal I had procrastinated for over a year. If you have the chance to work with Conrad on anything from your business to your personal life. Don't hesitate. There's no question you will be more clear and confident after working with him.

Brian Breen

Brian Breen

Founder | The BOLDr Project

I highly recommend Conrad Ruiz and the excellent coaching he provides. Conrad has really helped me to organize my work life – making me much more effective. His listening skills are excellent and he approached my work as if it were his own – a great partner! If you are looking to increase motivation, improve productivity, reduce redundancy and just make your work less stressful then check out Well Aware.

Peter Thomas

Peter Thomas

President | CauseWay Consulting

Conrad and his team are among the most dedicated people you could ever hope to meet. They approach every project with care, are invested in your success, and are a joy to work and collaborate with. Personally, Conrad has the inquisitive nature and patience of a therapist, as well as the resolve to tackle tough problems and present hard truths when needed. He is tech-savvy, creative, well-connected, and a problem solver.  I count my blessings working with these wonderful folks everyday! If you are lucky enough to be afforded the opportunity as well, move quickly!

Christopher Gittings Headshot

Christopher Gittings

CEO | Cogent Connections

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