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Reuben Swartz is the founder of Mimiran, an innovative tool designed to transform customer relationship management (CRM) for solopreneur consultants. Unlike traditional CRMs built for large enterprises, Mimiran is tailored to meet the unique needs and challenges faced by independent consultants. Let's explore some of the key takeaways from their discussion and how Mimiran can revolutionize relationship management.

What Sets Mimiran Apart?

Mimiran is not your typical CRM. Ruben Swartz describes it as an "anti-CRM," specifically designed for solopreneur consultants who often find traditional CRMs cumbersome and ill-suited to their needs. Enterprise-level CRMs, such as Salesforce and HubSpot, are powerful tools but often feel like overkill for solo consultants, much like using a space shuttle to go grocery shopping. These systems are generally built for managing sales teams rather than fostering personalized client relationships.

A Focus on Relationship Management

Reuben emphasizes that independent consultants are primarily in the business of building relationships, not just closing deals. Traditional CRMs fail to address this nuance, often focusing too much on sales pipelines and metrics. Mimiran, on the other hand, supports the idea of maintaining ongoing, meaningful conversations with clients and prospects. 

For instance, Mimiran uses tags to categorize contacts and automate follow-up tasks. This ensures that consultants stay in touch with their clients regularly, without the risk of letting important relationships fall through the cracks. By automating administrative tasks, consultants can focus their energy on high-value activities like nurturing relationships and providing exceptional service.

The Art of Personalization

One of the standout features of Mimiran is its ability to facilitate personalized communication on a large scale. Reuben shares his own experience of sending out templatized yet conversational emails that not only keep clients engaged but also make them feel valued. This approach turns routine follow-ups into genuine relationship-building efforts.

Streamlining Workflows

Another significant advantage of Mimiran is how it streamlines various workflows. The tool allows consultants to batch tasks into categories, making it easier to handle similar types of work in one go. This not only saves time but also minimizes the mental strain associated with constantly switching contexts.

Moreover, Mimiran supports assigning tasks to team members, further simplifying the workflow. For instance, if a VA (Virtual Assistant) handles invoicing, the system will automatically create these tasks and assign them to the VA, ensuring everything is documented and nothing is overlooked.

Emphasis on Mission and Positioning

Reuben introduces a unique feature in Mimiran—the Mission and Positioning tool. This Madlib-style guide helps consultants clearly define their ideal client, the problems they solve, and the unique value they offer. By crystallizing this information, consultants can better align their marketing efforts and attract the right clients. This focus ensures that their messaging is consistent and compelling across all platforms, from their website to social media.

Teaching Over Selling

Shifting the mindset from selling to teaching is another crucial strategy Ruben advocates. By positioning yourself as an educator and problem solver, you attract clients who see the value in your expertise. Mimiran supports this approach by allowing you to create lead magnets—valuable resources that potential clients can access. Unlike traditional PDFs that are hard to read on mobile devices, Mimiran's lead magnets are interactive and track engagement, providing deeper insights into potential clients' needs and behaviors.

Integrating with Your Calendar

Mimiran also seamlessly integrates with your calendar, allowing you to schedule tasks and block out time for specific activities. This ensures that important tasks don't get overlooked and helps maintain a balanced workflow. Whether it's setting aside time for client work, follow-ups, or research, Mimiran makes it easy to manage your time effectively.


For solopreneur consultants, the traditional CRM approach often feels like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Mimiran offers a refreshing alternative, focusing on genuine relationship building, personalized communication, and streamlined workflows. By leveraging these features, consultants can transform their relationship management practices, making them more effective and enjoyable.

If you're an independent consultant tired of struggling with conventional CRMs, it might be time to explore Mimiran. As Reuben Swartz suggests, when done right, sales and marketing shouldn't feel like a grind. Instead, they should be an enjoyable part of your business that allows you to connect with and help others while growing your practice.

For more information about Mimran and to start a free trial, visit To listen to the full podcast episode, be sure to check out the Well Aware Podcast on YouTube and Libsyn.

Post by Conrad Ruiz
June 20, 2024
