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This is "In The Looop" by Well Aware


First time here?

Welcome to "In The Looop".

Well Aware's weekly* (we try) Networking Newsletter!

The #1 goal of this newsletter is to foster more conscientious networking.

Not your first time here? Welcome back!!! Let's dive in:


As always, please refer to the following for how to best use this newsletter:

1. Please reply to me with your interest in any relationships I share here.

If you want to meet one of the people below, all you have to do is ask.

2. Please reply with a clear reason for why you want to connect with someone.

In order to connect you, I need context so that I can propose a thoughtful intro.

3. Please reply to me even if you have NO interest in anyone I share today.

Tell me your current ASKS. Say "Hi!" Point being: Keep our relationship two-way.



Let's look at today's spotlighted Well Aware networking relationships:

Bethany Bell

Bethany Bell helps holistic healthcare professionals manage their financials using her expertise in medical revenue cycle and bookkeeping. Bethany is the owner of BHB Bookkeeping, a company that specializes in providing financial services to service-based businesses in the holistic healthcare industry. Her background as a medical transcriber and her extensive knowledge in various aspects of the medical revenue cycle, including pre-registration, medical coding, medical billing, and AR follow-up, make her a valuable resource in her professional network. Bethany's passion for numbers and her dedication to helping others achieve and maintain success is truly inspiring. Thank you, Bethany.

ASKS: Folks, Bethany is seeking to expand her network and connect with various professionals. She's particularly interested in reaching out to business coaches, consultants, holistic healthcare practitioners like chiropractors, acupuncturists, and therapists, as well as CPAs. If you are in any of these fields or know someone who is, Bethany would love to connect and explore potential collaborations.


Ademola Adelakun

Ademola Adelakun has extensive experience in managing enterprise online brands. Ademola is the Co-Founder of Made Digital, which helps E-Commerce businesses increase customer retention rates and implement new technologies. Ademola is downright magical - he performed a fun magic trick at the end of our intro call. I respect and appreciate his endeavors to focus on work that’s meaningful to him, creating video content. Seeing his interplay then between video and E-Commerce is the show I’m awaiting to see more of. Thank you, Ademola.

ASKS: Folks, Ademola, CEO of A2 Media, helps Marketing Directors and CMOs who want to drive more revenue with video content. Ademola has worked with companies like Shopify, Reveal, and Okta to create engaging brand awareness campaigns and bingeable email marketing video content. If you or someone you know is looking to build deeper connections with your audience using video content, the A2 Media team has over a decade of experience in helping companies turn their video viewers into buyers. They're taking on one more client this quarter, so reach out now and we can put you in touch!



Chris Thomas

Chris Thomas helps small businesses in the manufacturing space achieve financial success using his expertise in accounting and financial planning and analysis. Chris is a Fractional CFO and Owner of Blue Oak Consulting with over 28 years of experience in Fortune 500 companies and companies with over $200 million in revenue. His proficiency lies in stabilizing and improving cash flow, optimizing working capital, and increasing profitability. I admire his leadership skills and the positive impact he has had on the industry. His commitment to family and his reference to enjoying quality time demonstrate a personable and grounded personality. I value Chris's expertise and guidance and see him as a mentor figure in my own career. Thank you, Chris.

ASKS: Folks, Chris is currently seeking connections with manufacturing business owners in the United States, with revenues ranging from $1M to $50M. If you know anyone who fits this description, please connect them with Chris to explore potential collaborations and opportunities.


Janine Bolon

Janine Bolon is an analytical scientist, financial literacy coach, author, and promotional podcaster who helps her fellow authorpreneurs clear the fog of book marketing through virtual book tours. Janine is the Founder and CEO of White Glove Broadcasting. Janine has been one of the few networking relationships in my world who made a huge impression on me through her sending me a hand-written, mailed letter. From that, her efforts to build a business around tailoring old clothing hyper-locally, and much more, grant me nothing short of wonderful inspiration. Thank you, Janine.

ASKS: Folks, Janine is looking for introductions to authors who have already published their books and need help in maximizing their profits. With Janine's expertise, authors can optimize their earnings while effectively marketing their books. If you are an author or know someone who could benefit from this support, please connect them with Janine to explore how she can assist them in achieving financial success.


Andrew Button

Andrew Button helps rural entrepreneurs in North America grow and thrive using his extensive experience in rural business and economic innovation. Andrew is the Founder of Mashup Lab, a company dedicated to making entrepreneurship more approachable and providing support to aspiring entrepreneurs throughout their journey. Andrew and I were introduced by a mutual connection, Leo, who recommended that we connect on LinkedIn. His passion for helping entrepreneurs in rural areas is palpable, and his successful track record, including running a virtual entrepreneurship program in Nova Scotia that has started 120 businesses, is impressive. Andrew's interest in my software application for managing introductions and his openness to exploring how our respective businesses can work together has laid the foundation for a promising professional relationship. Thank you, Andrew.

ASKS: Folks, Andrew is dedicated to empowering community leaders to foster economic growth through entrepreneurship. He is eager to connect with individuals who share the belief that there is untapped entrepreneurial potential within their community, waiting to be harnessed. If you resonate with this vision or know someone who does, Andrew would love to connect and explore opportunities to collaborate in unlocking the entrepreneurial spirit of your community.


Looop Software Updates!

If you're not already aware, Friends, Well Aware has been building software designed to automate introduction management as much as possible!

Here's the latest on Looop's software development:

Looop Beta is LIVE!!!

Friends, do you want access to Looop? Tell me which email address you want to use (must be a Google account), and I will get right back to you!

Right now, here's what you should expect you can do within Looop Beta:

  1. Add contacts manually;
  2. Make intros using our default intro email template (or pasting right over it!), and;
  3. You will auto-send feedback request emails 2 weeks after your intros are sent.

Next up, we are working on:

  1. Allowing you to change the default intro email template to your liking.
  2. Fixing a but that's preventing hyperlinks* from being inserted into intro emails.
  3. Finalizing the intro feedback review experience.

*Pasting links [https://__] as they are works fine so consider that!

Stay tuned for more!

Final Thoughts

Friends, as always, be well, be aware, and by all accounts, be warm with all of your relationship management efforts! Please keep me in the loop with you.

All the best,
Conrad Ruiz | CEO | Well Aware

Conrad Ruiz 



Post by Conrad Ruiz
May 31, 2024
