Well Aware Blog

06.26.2024- In The Looop #27

Written by Conrad Ruiz | Jun 28, 2024 5:39:21 PM

This is "In The Looop" by Well Aware


First time here?

Welcome to "In The Looop".

Well Aware's weekly* (we try) Networking Newsletter!

The #1 goal of this newsletter is to foster more conscientious networking.

Not your first time here? Welcome back!!! Let's dive in:


As always, please refer to the following for how to best use this newsletter:

1. Please reply to me with your interest in any relationships I share here.

If you want to meet one of the people below, all you have to do is ask.

2. Please reply with a clear reason for why you want to connect with someone.

In order to connect you, I need context so that I can propose a thoughtful intro.

3. Please reply to me even if you have NO interest in anyone I share today.

Tell me your current ASKS. Say "Hi!" Point being: Keep our relationship two-way.



Let's look at today's spotlighted Well Aware networking relationships:

Ral West uses her extensive background in the visitor and real estate industries to assist entrepreneurs with overcoming overwhelm and improving their business productivity. Ral is the owner of her own business, Ral West Livin' the Dream, where she is truly living her entrepreneurial dream. I had the pleasure of meeting Ral and was immediately struck by her strong entrepreneurial mindset and adaptability, having started multiple businesses and worked in diverse industries. Her preference for asynchronous reporting and flexible working hours speaks to her understanding of the modern work environment. Thank you, Ral, for your inspiration and dedication.

ASKS: Folks, Ral would love to be a guest on podcasts, virtual webinars, or conferences targeting entrepreneurs. He offers a digital course designed to help overwhelmed entrepreneurs organize their business and set up systems to reclaim their life. If you host or know of any platforms seeking insightful guest speakers, please consider Ral.

Learn more at www.ralwest.com


Anitra Deen empowers women entrepreneurs to overcome obstacles and execute their visions using custom strategies, tools, and data-driven metrics. Anitra is the Founder and CEO of Anitra Deen Consulting, where excellence, empowerment, and entrepreneurship converge. Anitra's passion and dedication to empowering women in business stand as a testament to her unwavering commitment to making a difference, and her process-oriented approach brings a uniquely analytical thinking to the table. I am grateful to learn from Anitra and respect what she brings to the professional sphere every day. Thank you, Anitra!

ASKS: Folks, Anitra is looking to partner with Mastermind Coaches, Email Marketing Strategists, and Brand Strategists who work with service-based women entrepreneurs and small business owners. She aims to help these entrepreneurs and business owners become more efficient in their follow-ups after networking calls and events. If you or someone you know fits this description, please connect with Anitra to explore potential collaborations.


Nuria Gabitova helps educators and learning organizations unlock human potential and transform learning environments using her expertise in education, research, business, and project management. Nuria is the Founder of iSchool for the Future, an organization dedicated to integrating authentic Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) with academics and STEM to boost student success. I had the pleasure of meeting Nuria and was immediately struck by her passion for education and her firm belief in the transformative power of the right education. As a compassionate innovator, she is committed to developing programs that not only enhance the learning journey but also leave a lasting, positive impact on everyone involved. Thank you, Nuria.

ASKS: Folks, Nuria would like to connect with candidates for the Board of Advisors/Directors for iSchool for the Future, a non-profit organization. Nuria is seeking individuals with expertise in education, childhood development, social-emotional learning, STEM, legal, finance, business strategy, marketing and communications, advocacy and policy, community leadership, and technical skills (web/cyber security/app development). If you have experience in any of these areas and are interested in making a positive impact or know someone who is,  please reach out to Nuria.


Lori Karpman uses her impressive wealth of knowledge and experience to help businesses scale and attain higher levels of success. Lori is the CEO of Lori Karpman & Company, a multi-service management consulting firm that creates customized solutions for marketing, sales, operations, HR, finance, and technology for businesses and organizations worldwide. With over 35 years of experience in the franchise industry, Lori is a leading expert on franchising and multi-unit business development models in Canada. Lori's commitment to networking and building relationships is evident in her willingness to explore potential partnerships and her openness to providing advice and guidance. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with her and look forward to our continued professional relationship. Thank you, Lori.

ASKS: Folks, Lori is eager to connect with graphic artists, digital marketing firms, marketing agencies, and webmasters. If you or someone you know works in these fields, Lori would love to explore potential collaboration opportunities.


Amanda Catarzi Hengst helps businesses thrive and individuals access exclusive investment opportunities by leveraging her strengths in strategic content creation and network building. Amanda is the founder of Inkery Co, a vehicle through which she crafts compelling copy that converts followers into paying clients. She also invests her energy in smart investments & community, connecting people with unique investment opportunities. Amanda's personal journey is one of resilience and transformation, from overcoming life-altering challenges, like escaping a cult, and sex trafficking, to becoming a powerful advocate for change. My connection with Amanda extends into a deep appreciation for her tenacity and her unwavering commitment to create a positive impact. Beyond our interactions, I've found Amanda's determination inspiring, her strategic skills impressive, and her desire to empower others heartening. Thank you, Amanda.

ASKS: Folks, Amanda is looking to connect with male visionaries whose businesses are currently generating six-figure net incomes but have hit a plateau. Her team specializes in creating engaging copy and content that solidifies personal brands and generates leads. With renewed cash flow, they identify bottlenecks in companies, then build and integrate systems, processes, and people to elevate businesses to seven figures—all without requiring more of your time. If you or someone you know fits this profile, Amanda would love to connect.

Looop Software Updates!

If you're not already aware, Friends, Well Aware has been building software designed to automate introduction management as much as possible!

Here's the latest on Looop's software development:

Looop Beta is LIVE!!!

Friends, do you want access to Looop? Tell me which email address you want to use (must be a Google account), and I will get right back to you!

We've switched to a dedicated newsletter to Looop development updates - subscribe here if you'd like to be kept in the looop on looop development!

And with that, as always, be well, be aware, and by all accounts, be warm with all of your relationship management efforts! If you have any questions, please reach out.All the best,

Conrad Ruiz | CEO | Well Aware