Well Aware Blog

05.30.2024- In The Looop #24

Written by Conrad Ruiz | Jun 11, 2024 4:57:59 AM

This is "In The Looop" by Well Aware


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Welcome to "In The Looop".

Well Aware's weekly* (we try) Networking Newsletter!

The #1 goal of this newsletter is to foster more conscientious networking.

Not your first time here? Welcome back!!! Let's dive in:


As always, please refer to the following for how to best use this newsletter:

1. Please reply to me with your interest in any relationships I share here.

If you want to meet one of the people below, all you have to do is ask.

2. Please reply with a clear reason for why you want to connect with someone.

In order to connect you, I need context so that I can propose a thoughtful intro.

3. Please reply to me even if you have NO interest in anyone I share today.

Tell me your current ASKS. Say "Hi!" Point being: Keep our relationship two-way.



Let's look at today's spotlighted Well Aware networking relationships:

Alex Loveyko mainly practices IP law who has represented start-up owners, entrepreneurs, online course creators, website / mobile app owners, fashion designers, inventors, Amazon store owners, musical artists, producers, record labels, visual artists, movie makers, and international athletes! Alex is an Associate Attorney at Chase Lawyers. I met Alex through the Founder’s Institute when I was first officially establishing my company as tech-focused. Alex has helped me with everything from putting together contracts with freelancers, to helping me have a clear operating agreement with my cofounder. In short, I’ve trusted Alex with a lot, and he’s always been a clear advisor to go to.

ASKS: Folks, Alex is looking to connect with individuals and organizations seeking legal counsel, advice, or mentorship in the areas of intellectual property, entertainment law, internet law, and emerging technologies. He is eager to offer his expertise to help businesses and creative professionals thrive while they focus on growing their ventures or pursuing their creative endeavors without the burden of legal complexities.


Shawn Flynn started his career by founding, scaling and successfully exiting a company in Beijing China. He then returned to the US to work with companies ranging from fast growing Silicon Valley startups to established overseas public companies. Shawn brings his international experience working with all stages and sectors of businesses to his role as Principal at Global Capital Markets, a premier middle market investment bank with expertise in mergers and acquisitions, capital markets, financial restructuring, and valuation. Shawn and I met through an introduction by Matthew Sagers, given our mutual time focus around SaaS and startups! I'm particularly grateful for Shawn's Silicon Valley Podcast content.

ASKS: Folks, Shawn would like to connect with business owners whose companies have $2M in EBITDA or more and are looking to pursue an M&A transaction or raise capital in the next 12 months. If you know someone fitting this profile, don't hesitate to reach out to Shawn to explore potential collaborations or connections.


Bradford Tilden helps individuals reconnect with their divine essence and find purpose in life using his unique blend of music, healing, and teaching skills. Bradford is the founder of Crystal Music Healing. He is a Master Frequency Healer and Universal White Time Teacher. An internationally recognized composer, pianist, and sound healer, Bradford's work is deeply rooted in his diverse range of skills and interests, including his studies at the Globe Institute of Sound and Consciousness and his shamanic lineage from the indigenous Q’ero tradition of Peru. Our professional relationship is one of mutual respect and admiration. I am continually inspired by Bradford's dedication to his craft and his commitment to helping others through his unique blend of spiritual and musical healing. Thank you, Bradford.

ASKS: Folks, Bradford is seeking to work with high-performing executives and soulpreneurs in need of self-care, stress reduction, and spiritual enrichment to balance their busy lives. He offers intentional relaxation, restoration, and spiritual mentorship to improve focus, increase productivity, and foster a better work/life balance. Bradford is also looking for connections to introduce his unique holistic healing approach into corporate environments as a strategic wellness presenter.


Amy Boroff strategizes with nonprofit organizations to strengthen their messaging and communications so they can ultimately to raise more money. Amy was, up until recently, the Development Strategist at Amplifi - she is now currently pursuing opportunities in corporate/ community engagement and/ or a role within a nonprofit organization. Amy is a passionate human being - I’m grateful for our time both in brainstorming general business challenges via Chris Gittings’ Corner Call gathering, and our time 1-on-1. Amy invited me to speak at the Princeton Community Works annual conference, which was a supreme delight! Thank you for all of our time, Amy!

ASKS: Folks, Amy is excited to network with professionals interested in nonprofit leadership, strategic partnerships, and community engagement. With her extensive experience and innovative approach, Amy helps organizations achieve their mission-driven goals. If you're ready to elevate your nonprofit efforts, Amy is currently seeking a new opportunity and is passionate about education and inclusion.


Natalie Kime helps individuals and families create wealth and ensure financial security using her expertise in financial strategy and wealth management. Natalie is a Financial Strategist at Vantage Financial Alliance. Natalie's mission revolves around empowering the Sandwich Generation with dual financial responsibilities and helping every family achieve financial freedom. I met Natalie through our mutual connection, Julie, and was immediately impressed by her dedication to providing financial education and tailored solutions to her clients. Natalie's interest in finding a dynamic virtual assistant for her and the CEO of a women's organization she is part of, led to our discussion about the services my company, Well Aware, offers. Natalie's passion for her work and her commitment to making financial education relatable to everyday people is truly inspiring. I look forward to our future consultation and the possibility of supporting her in managing her digital workspace. Thank you, Natalie.

ASKS: Folks, Natalie is looking to connect with individuals seeking a financial education and a free financial audit. Her target audience includes those aged 45-65 who may be caring for children at home or in college, as well as a loved one who is already in retirement. If you or someone you know fits this profile and could benefit from financial guidance, please reach out to Natalie.

Looop Software Updates!

If you're not already aware, Friends, Well Aware has been building software designed to automate introduction management as much as possible!

Here's the latest on Looop's software development:

Looop Beta is LIVE!!!

Friends, do you want access to Looop? Tell me which email address you want to use (must be a Google account), and I will get right back to you!

We've switched to a dedicated newsletter to Looop development updates - subscribe here if you'd like to be kept in the looop on looop development!

And with that, as always, be well, be aware, and by all accounts, be warm with all of your relationship management efforts! If you have any questions, please reach out.All the best,

Conrad Ruiz | CEO | Well Aware