Well Aware Blog

2024.02.21 - In The Looop #16

Written by Conrad Ruiz | Jun 30, 2024 1:06:36 PM

This is "In The Looop" by Well Aware


First time here?

Welcome to "In The Looop".

Well Aware's weekly* (we try) Networking Newsletter!

The #1 goal of this newsletter is to foster more conscientious networking.

Not your first time here? Welcome back!!! Let's dive in:


As always, please refer to the following for how to best use this newsletter:

1. Please reply to me with your interest in any relationships I share here.

If you want to meet one of the people below, all you have to do is ask.

2. Please reply with a clear reason for why you want to connect with someone.

In order to connect you, I need context so that I can propose a thoughtful intro.

3. Please reply to me even if you have NO interest in anyone I share today.

Tell me your current ASKS. Say "Hi!" Point being: Keep our relationship two-way.



Let's look at today's spotlighted Well Aware networking relationships:

Steve Ramona helps individuals and businesses succeed by providing mentorship, resources, and inspiration. Steve is the host of the podcast "Doing Business with a Servant's Heart", where he shares inspiring stories of overcoming obstacles and serving others. Steve and I connected through our shared passion for personal growth and knowledge sharing. Steve's background in entrepreneurship, his love for reading, and his commitment to purpose-driven work have all contributed to his unique approach to business mentorship. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from Steve and look forward to continuing our professional journey together. Thank you, Steve.

ASKS: Folks, Steve specializes in Direct Mail marketing and is currently seeking large companies with databases of 10,000 or more, both Profit and Non-Profit, interested in increasing their bottom line through effective marketing strategies. Additionally, he offers advertising partnerships to significantly boost income. Steve also runs a mastermind group for business owners, founders, or thought leaders who have achieved career earnings of over a million dollars, offering lucrative commission opportunities. Furthermore, he provides mentorship programs for individuals looking to start or grow their podcasts. If you or someone you know fits any of these criteria, connecting with Steve could lead to mutually beneficial collaborations and opportunities for growth.


Lori Karpman uses her impressive wealth of knowledge and experience to help businesses scale and attain higher levels of success. Lori is the CEO of Lori Karpman & Company, a multi-service management consulting firm that creates customized solutions for marketing, sales, operations, HR, finance, and technology for businesses and organizations worldwide. With over 35 years of experience in the franchise industry, Lori is a leading expert on franchising and multi-unit business development models in Canada. Lori's commitment to networking and building relationships is evident in her willingness to explore potential partnerships and her openness to providing advice and guidance. I am grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with her and look forward to our continued professional relationship. Thank you, Lori.

ASKS: Folks, Lori specializes in assisting US businesses interested in franchising. She offers comprehensive franchise development services to facilitate brand expansion through franchising. Lori's expertise includes building the franchise model, operational support, marketing strategies, and legal guidance. If your business is considering franchising as a growth strategy, connecting with Lori could be the key to unlocking new opportunities and achieving success in the franchising world.


Nancy Leve helps individuals and families preserve their unique life stories and memories using personalized Zoom interviews. Nancy is the founder of Video Journals Online, where she conducts Oprah-style interviews, capturing not just the narrative but also the nuances of facial expressions, hand gestures, tone of voice, and laughter. I had the pleasure of meeting Nancy through one of Chris Gittings’ Corner Call networking events. When we met 1-on-1, Nancy shared with me about how she created a time capsule for her grandfather so that she could better understand his journey and always have a way to check in with her history - makes me think a lot about my efforts to preserve my Dad’s history. My aim is to introduce Nancy to all my contacts in the elderly care industry. I look forward to our continued professional relationship and the potential synergies it can bring. Thank you, Nancy.

ASKS: Folks, Nancy's networking focus is on connecting with professionals serving seniors, such as estate attorneys, senior living communities, and cancer support groups. If you're in these fields or know someone who is, Nancy would love to connect and explore potential collaborations or partnerships.


Sergei Galeano helps small to mid-sized businesses increase profitability using his extensive CFO-level guidance and strategic planning. Sergei is the Owner of Galeano Consulting LLC, where he provides financial leadership focusing on driving and executing more effective strategies, processes, and procedures. I met Sergei in January, during a meeting where we discussed our respective businesses. Sergei's expertise in financial strategy, planning, reporting, and modeling services was evident, and his focus on helping business buyers with evaluation, due diligence, and obtaining financing was particularly impressive. Sergei's professionalism and deep knowledge in his field make him a valuable connection, and I look forward to exploring how we can support each other's businesses. Thank you, Sergei.

ASKS: Folks, Sergei specializes in financial reporting, analysis, strategic planning, and modeling for clients. He also aids business buyers with evaluation, due diligence, and securing financing. If you're seeking expertise in these areas, Sergei is your go-to professional for comprehensive financial support and guidance.


Karl Diffenderfer is a change agent that has been impacting thousands of entrepreneurs and leaders for over 20 years. Karl’s core focus is helping Kingdom minded business owners eliminate feeling trapped and alone in their business by making more, working less and building a lasting legacy. Karl and I met through networking group that’s hosted by a really close friend and business referral partner of mine. Karl and I’s first conversation started off as an expo of tech tools and value back-and-forth. It was amazing! Karl has an incredible story of triumph - I’m excited to support him however I can. Thank you, Karl.

ASKS: Folks, Karl is seeking introductions to successful businessmen in their 30-40s, particularly those with a faith-based background, who would be interested in being interviewed for his book. He's also looking to connect with coaches or aspiring coaches to teach them how to add $10k a month in recurring revenue within the first year. If you know anyone who fits these descriptions, Karl is eager to connect and explore collaboration opportunities.


Joel Gandara helps successful men enhance their masculinity and achieve their full potential using his unique coaching methods. Joel is the founder of 31 Daily Challenges, a platform that offers guidance in various areas such as confidence, goal-setting, decision-making, delegation, health, efficiency, and life control. He retired from daily operations at the age of 39, marking a significant milestone in his entrepreneurial journey. His wealth of knowledge and experience in coaching successful individuals is truly commendable. I look forward to learning more from Joel and am grateful for the insights he has shared thus far. Thank you, Joel.

ASKS: Folks, Joel has one mission since selling his company—to introduce his 31-day class to as many men as possible. Witnessing the positive transformations happening among these individuals is truly remarkable. Additionally, there's now a women's program, "It's My Turn," led by Joel's wife, Jessica Gandara. Explore both programs at www.31DailyChallenges.com and be part of this journey towards personal growth and positive change.


Nolan Bradbury is a seasoned professional with a passion for helping business owners achieve their dreams through sound accounting and financial strategies and he’s on a mission to empower entrepreneurs to achieve their goals and unlock the full potential of their enterprises. Nolan is the founder of Bradfield Accounting & Advisory. Nolan and I appear to be on two sides of the same coin - both of us preach the importance of work-life harmony and having the right spirit around time and operations management. Nolan happens to look at it from the accounting lens (jealous!), whereas I see it more in the workflows directly. It’ll be a great day when we get the chance to collaborate further - until then. Thank you, Nolan ^_^

ASKS: Folks, Nolan is keen on connecting with professionals in adjacent channels whom he can introduce to his clients—such as attorneys, estate planners, tax CPAs, and wealth advisors. Additionally, he is always open to meeting other professionals who consult or support businesses, especially those who often identify accounting needs for their clients. A prime example is marketing consultants who may require accurate financial results for proper marketing recommendations but find their clients lacking in the necessary accounting setup. If you or someone you know fits these descriptions, Nolan is ready to explore collaborative opportunities.

In The Looop #15 Performance

Friends, as of this writing, our 13th edition of this newsletter has generated:

  • 3 Total Responses;
  • 1 was an intro request for just one contact ^_^

Don't be shy! You can ask for as many intros as you want, especially if your goal is primarily to network. If you want to speculate on business, that's fine too! Just be upfront about it, as I may have insight into what you will expect from a particular contact.

That's all for today's networking.

Looop Software Updates!

If you're not already aware, Friends, Well Aware has been building software designed to automate introduction management as much as possible!

Here's the latest on Looop's software development:

Looop Beta is LIVE!!!

Friends, do you want access to Looop? Tell me which email address you want to use (must be a Google account), and I will get right back to you!

Right now, here's what you should expect you can do within Looop Beta:

  1. Add contacts manually;
  2. Make intros using our default intro email template (or pasting right over it!), and;
  3. You will auto-send feedback request emails 2 weeks after your intros are sent.

Next up, we are working on:

  1. Allowing you to change the default intro email template to your liking.
  2. Fixing a but that's preventing hyperlinks* from being inserted into intro emails.
  3. Finalizing the intro feedback review experience.

*Pasting links [https://__] as they are works fine so consider that!

Stay tuned for more!

Final Thoughts

Friends, as always, be well, be aware, and by all accounts, be warm with all of your relationship management efforts! Please keep me in the loop with you.

All the best,
Conrad Ruiz | CEO | Well Aware